10 Celebrities With Really Strange Hobbies

Hobbies are great for all people, because they give us time to focus on our passions and our interests. Additionally, this is usually such a good way for us to relax and enjoy our lives. We do enjoy these things because they bring us peace and they bring us happiness. Hobbies are good for the


Hobbies are great for all people, because they give us time to focus on our passions and our interests. Additionally, this is usually such a good way for us to relax and enjoy our lives. We do enjoy these things because they bring us peace and they bring us happiness. Hobbies are good for the soul, and they’re just another check in the ‘celebrities are just like us’ box. Even the world’s most famous people enjoy the same things that we enjoy; sports, cooking, wine, reading and art just to name a few. Also just like us, some celebs have seriously strange hobbies. We might expect to see things like cooking and reading silly beach novels on many hobby lists, but collecting daggers? Read on to find out which celebs have the most interesting – perhaps strangest – hobbies of all.


Johnny Depp

Let’s just get this out of the way; he’s one of the most amazing actors in the world. He’s a great pirate, he’s a great everything; and it’s not really a secret that he can be a bit eccentric. I feel this is part of his appeal. But he’s got a hobby that even I think is a bit strange. He collects Barbies. It’s not exactly the kind of hobby many men admit to having, but he’s Johnny Depp. He can do what he wants and not care.


Angelina Jolie

There are some vague memories of her when she was a bit younger, before her Brad Pitt days, when she was a bit wilder and more interesting than she is now. Not that we have an issue with the fact that she is such a charitable woman who focuses so much on giving back. But we do remember when she preferred to do things such as wear a vial of blood around her neck and make out with her brother on red carpets. She liked to shock the world, and now she barely acknowledges the world and seems like one of the most normal women around. She does, however, collect daggers. And that is a part of her that does not shock us.


Colin Farrell

He’s a bit of a bad boy that seems to like to make a splash wherever he goes. So it might come as a bit of a shock to people to realize that this hunky actor is actually a very wonderful line dancer. He loves to spend his time on the dance floor, and it gives him a lot of happiness. Did you know that he was, at one point in his life, even a dance instructor? It’s kind of hard to see that one, isn’t it?


Tom Cruise

He’s a man’s man, even though I’ve heard many people say that he’s too short to be a man’s man (how that is relevant is beyond me). And while he might seem like someone who would enjoy fast cars and sports, he’s really into fencing. He has taken up the hobby and has actually become quite good at it.


Tiger Woods

There is nothing about him that seems aggressive or particularly outdoorsy other than the fact that he golfs. It’s very hard for me to picture this man in a boat with a spear aiming it at fish and catching them this way, but it’s apparently a very favorite hobby of this particular athlete.  Not strange, perhaps, but very interesting based on what we do know of his personality and the way that he comes across to people.

Tyra Banks

Tyra Banks

She’s a gorgeous super model and she’s so much fun to watch. And she loves to paint. We kind of love that she has a hobby that requires so much dedication and attention. Painting is not an easy hobby to have, since many artists are known to be a bit quirky. Those with creative minds often have a difficult time with other aspects of life – trust me, I know this with 100 percent certainty and personal experience. It’s hard for me to imagine her as a painter with her calm demeanor and her perfectly put-together self.


Kate Beckinsale

She’s an avid writer. I don’t find that to be a particularly strange hobby, but many do. However, she’s awfully busy and she really does enjoy going home and sitting down with her paper and a pen and putting her feelings on paper. She even writes stories and other things, which is very interesting. I’d love to read what this highly talented actress has to say when she sits down to take part in her favorite hobby.


David Beckham

Perhaps he is not alone in his love of this particular activity, but it does seem like an interesting hobby to have. He loves to get tattoos. His hobby is getting tattoos. I worry about this one, though. I worry because we don’t want him covering up that beautiful face. And also because he will very likely eventually run out of space on which to put his tattoos, so that won’t work so well.

Kate Moss

Kate Moss

I’m all about being charitable, but I like to do so in a monetary manner. With small kids, it’s often easier. We do try to get our kids involved in charitable work by having them donate their old clothes and toys, and by helping us in certain activities and functions. But none of us are quite like Kate Moss, who makes it her hobby to find the most unique and creative ways to raise money for her favorite charities. It might not be everyone’s hobby, but it’s a really, really good one.


Rod Stewart

This rocker is in love with model trains. He’s got many of them in his private collection, and he’s been known to say that he is always looking for more. He likes to use them, too, and not just look at them. It’s not uncommon to hear him say that he spent some time with his trains when he has some time off from entertaining the world with his singing capabilities.

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