Chloe Sevigny, oblivious: Men are intimidated by me

Early in her career, I kind of liked Chloe Sevigny. I still think shes a pretty underrated actress, but her personality sucks the big one. In interviews, she comes across as that too-cool-for-school, snotty, faux-hipster type, like Gwyneth Paltrow, only Chloe probably think Paltrow is a Goopy sellout. My opinion of Chloe changed the first


Early in her career, I kind of liked Chloe Sevigny. I still think she’s a pretty underrated actress, but her personality sucks the big one. In interviews, she comes across as that too-cool-for-school, snotty, faux-hipster type, like Gwyneth Paltrow, only Chloe probably think Paltrow is a Goopy sellout. My opinion of Chloe changed the first time I ever read a significant interview with her, and I still remember the issue – May 2001, Harper’s Bazaar. She talked about how Gwyneth “wished” she was like JFK Jr’s wife Carolyn Bessette, and how Jennifer Lopez was fabulous in a “ghetto” way. All in all, she was funny because she was so stuck up her own ass (much like Gwyneth).

Since then, I’ve always been on the look out for other hilarious Chloe interviews, but they’re few and far between. Maybe her publicist realizes how badly Chloe comes across. Or maybe Chloe just thinks interviews are beneath her. In any case, I’m not going to pass up this gem – Chloe is the cover girl for the April issue of Elle UK. And the interview is just what I hoped for:

CHLOE Sevigny is looking better than ever – and says it’s all down to her rampant sex life. Fashionista Chloe Sevigny, who looks trim and toned in these brand new pictures, says her sex life is better than ever at the moment.

Asked how she manages to look so good she exclusively told Elle Magazine: “I’ve just started doing yoga three times a week. I feel strong and limber, and my sex drive is through the roof!”

But although the 35-year-old is happier than ever, she still hasn’t cracked the whole man thing.

She revealed: “‘Men are intimidated by me.”

“My friends say, ‘You have to find someone more famous and successful than you, or someone who’s so happy with their own life they can handle the attention you get.’”

“I want to be worshipped and adored, but then again I also love to be ignored. Hurgh! It’s the same old, same old.”

So is she worried about getting older?

“Getting older doesn’t bother me at all. Well, other than the baby pressure. I do want to have a baby,” she said.

[From OK Magazine UK]

I mean, right? I can see why men would be intimidated by her hyena laugh, her snotty attitude, her hipster slouch and the fact that she wants to be “worshipped and adored”. Why aren’t the guys lining up for that? Seriously?

Thanks to Litely Salted for the heads up!


Elle cover and additional pic courtesy of OK! Magazine UK.

