How to Defeat the Spawn of Oggdo - Star Wars Jedi: Survivor Guide

One of the most notorious bosses of Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order is back in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor, or at least his spawn anyway, and hes out for vengeance on Cal Kestis. The Spawn of Oggdo is an extremely tough Legendary Boss, and our recommendation is to not even bother with it until at

One of the most notorious bosses of Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order is back in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor, or at least his spawn anyway, and he’s out for vengeance on Cal Kestis. The Spawn of Oggdo is an extremely tough Legendary Boss, and our recommendation is to not even bother with it until at least your second or third visit back to Koboh.


Whether you’re attempting to defeat the Spawn of Oggdo early on or late in the game, you’ll still need to learn how to deal with his attacks, which is what we’re here for. Our Spawn of Oggdo Boss Guide below gives you the tips and tricks you'll need to help you defeat this formidable Legendary Enemy, as well as the unique reward the creature is hiding, the classic Poncho Outfit.

Tips and Strategies for Defeating the Spawn of Oggdo

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Spawn of Oggdo Location

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The den of Spawn of Oggdo can be found when visiting Fort Kah'lin in Koboh. From the Meditation Point inside the Bedlam Raiders base, look for the nearby grapple point that's found by the tower.


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Once inside the tower, take down the B1 Battle Droids and continue forward along the path, where you'll then need to take two lefts until you reach a bridge that leads to a large open platform.

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Here, be sure to avoid standing on the large grey circular plate that's found in the middle of the platform and instead defeat the group of B1 Battle Droids from a distance - it's important that the enemies on this plate are defeated, as you won't want any distractions when facing the Spawn of Oggdo.

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With the enemies cleared, stand on the large circular trap door, and you'll drop down into the Spawn of Oggdo den.

How to Kill the Spawn of Oggdo

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For this fight, we recommend the Dual Blade stance, as it has the fastest attacks, you can guard cancel to abort an attack mid-animation, and the biggest challenge in this fight is the fact that Oggdo will occasionally unpredictably follow up his attacks with another one as the fight goes on.

Speaking of attacks, Oggdo doesn’t have very many, but many of them are fast, damaging, and must each be avoided in a different way.


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  • His main attack is a two-hitting bite attack. Simply parry both of these and get a quick strike in. Again, it’s important not to get greedy in this fight because he can follow up his attacks super quickly.

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  • Another one of his main attacks is an unblockable lunge. This has an extremely tight window to dodge, so our recommendation is to simply jump over it.

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  • He also does an attack where he jumps in the air and belly flops. The shockwave has to be jumped over.

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  • One of his most dangerous attacks is this unblockable bite, which needs to be dodged. Try to avoid it with a sidestep only, as double-tapping the dodge button for the extra roll will send you too far away to properly counterattack.

Once you take down a quarter of his life, he’ll add two more moves to his repertoire:

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  • If he jumps back and readies his tongue, be ready to jump over it, and don’t touch any part of the tongue while it’s out. Otherwise, you’re dead.

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  • He will also spew out a bunch of acid on the ground, which is actually probably your best opportunity to deal significant damage to him.


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At this point, he will also start being a little more aggressive, following up his two-hit bite combo with another attack, so rein in the aggression as his life depletes.

Once he gets below half of his life, he’ll start doing a jump attack.

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  • If he’s far away, double jump backward to avoid both the initial jump and the proceeding shockwave.
  • If he’s close, dash under him and then quickly jump to avoid the shockwave (good luck)

Finally, if you get your super, remember that you’re invulnerable during the activation, so use it in a pinch to get out of a bad spot, but don’t get overconfident after activation. You can still get hit even before the slow ends.

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It will be a tough fight, but persistence and repetition will prevail in the end.

Up Next: How to Defeat the Golden Skriton

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