How to fly in Elden Ring using the CrucibleWingsmod

FromSoftware's Elden Ring has been one of the best role-playing games of the past year. The PC rendition, in particular, has seen an influx of mods. While many of these go a long way towards tweaking and adding more options to enhance the core combat experience, a recent extension from a fan allows players to

FromSoftware's Elden Ring has been one of the best role-playing games of the past year. The PC rendition, in particular, has seen an influx of mods. While many of these go a long way towards tweaking and adding more options to enhance the core combat experience, a recent extension from a fan allows players to soar through the skies of The Lands Between.

This article will walk gamers through how they can fly in the popular FromSoftware offering using the Crucible Wings mod on PC.

Elden Ring's Crucible Wings for Tarnished mod lets you fly

As showcased in the video above, players are able to activate the mod in-game as an Ash of War. Initially used as an attack against foes that makes the user sprout wings and lunge at enemies, its new Altitude Adjustment feature will allow you to soar as high in the sky as you please. Holding the button associated with the Ash of War will let you fly through the skies of Elden Ring as the large golden wings flap behind you.

It is unclear whether the flight will consume FP like the traditional attack since the user in the video seems to be free-flying without being subjected to any drawbacks. The player can also be seen landing on the ground to attack foes. This can be done by releasing the button, which will allow you to fall to the ground. The mod also includes updated movesets during combat with regard to light, heavy, and combo attacks. It can be downloaded via the author's Patreon using this link:

What is Elden Ring about?

FromSoftware's latest action-RPG brings the iconic Souls to an open-world formula. Director Hidetaka Miyazaki collaborated with renowned author George R.R. Martin to create a brand new lore that has grabbed players' attention.

In this title, gamers will take on the role of the Tarnished, an exile who returns to the dangerous and fractured world of The Lands Between. Players are tasked with finding all the pieces of the titular Elden Ring and becoming the Elden Lord.

The third-person hack-and-slash gameplay will feel familiar to fans of the Japanese game studio. Unlike the team's previous efforts, The Lands Between is a vast open world teeming with secrets and threats. From unique enemies to challenging boss fights, there is much to see and do. Moreover, players can pick between different classes with varied playstyles, including melee, ranged, and even magic. The game also brings new mechanics, such as Spirits of Ashes, which summons AI partners to battle alongside the player.

Gamers will find new weapons to upgrade and meet fresh and varied NPCs to progress the narrative. FromSoftware has also released a free Colossuem update that incorporates arena PvP into the game. This has got fans excited for the future.

Elden Ring was released on February 25, 2022, and published by Bandai Namco Entertainment. The game is available on PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S platforms.

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