Is EDP445 dead? 2023 kidney failure claim explored

Rumours of former YouTuber EDP445 being dead have resurfaced online yet again. The content creator has garnered a questionable reputation online since being exposed for having inappropriate conversations with underage girls. However, netizens continue to have a keen interest in his life. Unexpectedly, certain fans took to the internet claiming that he died. However, the

Rumours of former YouTuber EDP445 being dead have resurfaced online yet again. The content creator has garnered a questionable reputation online since being exposed for having inappropriate conversations with underage girls. However, netizens continue to have a keen interest in his life. Unexpectedly, certain fans took to the internet claiming that he died. However, the speculation is far from true. The internet personality is alive and well.

EDP445 was born Bryant Turhan Emerson Moreland but goes by the name Deyione Scott-Wilson Eason. He was immensely popular on the video sharing platform, especially for his vlogs, rant videos and disdain towards the Philadelphia Eagles football team. However, he was seemingly cancelled after being kicked off the platform in April 2021.

Some Twitter users took to the social networking site and claimed that EDP445 passed away. On May 10, @ItzLxndo tweeted:

“Damn Rip edp445 dats crazy I didn’t even know bro passed away today like wdf #ripes445.”

Several netizens believed that he has died from stage five kidney failure. The YouTuber had updated his followers about his health condition in the past. As proof of his ill health, he had also shown his fans a bruise on his neck which was allegedly from a catheter that was inserted and went down to his chest.

Since sharing the concerning news, netizens created fake rumours of his passing every now and then. It seems like the misleading announcement was made yet again.

EDP445 is not dead

Despite many believing that the social media personality is dead, no official reports of the same have made it online. Due to his popularity on the internet, one can expect either friends, family or his management team to release an official statement if he had died in reality. However, nobody has confirmed that he has passed away.

This is not the first time he has become a victim to an internet death hoax. Last year, similar rumours spread across the internet. This lead to him going live on Instagram to assure followers that he was very much alive. News outlet The Focus also confirmed then that he was not dead.

Several popular internet personalities and legendary celebrities have become victims to death hoaxes including Charli D’Amelio, Kai Cenat, MrBeast, Jaden Smith, Tom Hanks, Oprah Winfrey and several others.

It seems like netizens spread misinformation to gain momentary popularity. Hence, it is important for internet users to fact check such news. One can do so by checking whether established news publications have confirmed the announcement in question or by looking through reliable and verified social media accounts.

EDP445 was arrested and released after being caught for making inappropriate contact with underage girls. He was slapped with paedophilia charges as well. After having his YouTube account banned and not being an active content creator online, what he does for a living remains unclear.

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