Randy Orton burned Bray Wyatt to death after setting him on FIRE at WWE TLC - how did they do it?

WWE have had a hell of a 2020 when it comes to pushing the boundaries of television. On pay-per-view this year alone WWE have thrown two men off an extremely high roof, gauged Rey Mysterio's eye out - who was also one of the men thrown off a roof actually - and now, they burned

WWE have had a hell of a 2020 when it comes to pushing the boundaries of television.

On pay-per-view this year alone WWE have thrown two men off an extremely high roof, gauged Rey Mysterio's eye out - who was also one of the men thrown off a roof actually - and now, they burned Bray Wyatt to death.

Yes, you read that right. The burned The Fiend to a crisp.

Randy Orton took on Bray Wyatt, The Fiend at TLC on Sunday in the main event. The match was a Firefly Funhouse Inferno match where the goal is to set your opponent on fire.

After The Fiend dominated Orton in the ring as expected, the match moved to the outside where both men evaded several teases with the rising fires at ringside.

Eventually, Wyatt had Orton mere inches away from the infernos only to have his position switched and see his leather jacket set fire.

Unlike previous WWE inferno matches where the performer would be instantly doused at ringside and they'd put the fire out, Wyatt carried on wrestling whilst burning!

He would spring back into the ring to confront Orton but eat an RKO for his troubles. From there, The Viper went and acquired some gasoline and poured it all over the fallen former three-time world champion.

Once he set The Fiend ablaze, Orton retreated up the walkway and posed as the victor to close the pay-per-view.

Because it's OK to pose when you've just committed murder on live pay-per-view!

What we do know from this match is that it was taped on Sunday afternoon hours before TLC took place. The rest of the card was live, but Orton and The Fiend was pre-recorded.

Presumably, The Fiend was wearing a jacket that prevented him from feeling the burns in any kind of way and given that this was a taped show, it seems as though the body that laid ablaze to close the show was a dummy, not actually Bray Wyatt.

Or, Randy Orton committed murder in front of our very eyes!

