Selena Gomez responded harshly to all body shamers who constantly commented on her body

As it turned out, the singer sometimes publicly uses profanity. A couple of years ago, it became known that Selena Gomez had significant health problems, including lupus, diseased kidneys, and high blood pressure. Although all this negatively affected her appearance, the singer recovered considerably.

As it turned out, the singer sometimes publicly uses profanity.

A couple of years ago, it became known that Selena Gomez had significant health problems, including lupus, diseased kidneys, and high blood pressure. Although all this negatively affected her appearance, the singer recovered considerably.

Not only was she very worried about this, which provoked problems with the artist’s mental health, but an avalanche of comments fell upon her, where every second considered it her duty to say that she had become too fat. She should bring herself in order before stepping out on the red carpet.

All this significantly hurt Selena. In 2019, she even retired from all social networks, as she could no longer read all these comments.

Of course, Selena tried to return to her previous form. And it seems that she even succeeded, but as soon as she relaxed a little, the extra pounds returned again. Over time, Gomez realized that no matter how she looked, there would always be those who did not like it. Moreover, the public has some unrealistic ideas about beauty ideals, which no one can match.


The other day, Selena posted a video on her TikTok in which she said that she accepted and loved herself for who she is, and she also stopped caring about the numbers on the scales. After that, the actress of the series “Murder in the same building” frankly admitted that a couple of hours ago, she was in one of her favorite fast food cafes Jack in the Box, and ordered four servings of tacos, three egg rolls, onion rings, and a spicy chicken sandwich. Then, in a rather rude way, Gomez explained that she does not judge herself for what she eats and would like other people not to do this too. “Bitch, I’m perfect the way I am, and I’m not going to meet anyone’s stupid expectations,” Selena concluded her speech.

