The length of each side of a regular pentagon is increased by 8 inches

Free Algebraic Expressions Calculator - This calculator builds algebraic expressions based on word representations of numbers using the four operators and the words that represent them(increased,product,decreased,divided,times) Also known as Mathematical phrases

Algebraic Expressions

Free Algebraic Expressions Calculator - This calculator builds algebraic expressions based on word representations of numbers using the four operators and the words that represent them(increased,product,decreased,divided,times) Also known as Mathematical phrases

Arc Length and Area of a Sector of a Circle

Free Arc Length and Area of a Sector of a Circle Calculator - Calculates the arc length of a circle and the area of the sector of a circle

Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR)

Free Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) Calculator - Given a gender, an age, and a height/weight in inches/pounds or meters/kilograms, this will calculate the Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR)

Body Mass Index (BMI)

Free Body Mass Index (BMI) Calculator - Solves for the popular health measurement of Body Mass Index or Weight using inches and pounds input or meters and kilos input.
Also calculates the estimated surface area of the body using the Mosteller Formula


Free Cardioid Calculator - Shows you the area, arc length, polar equation of the horizontal cardioid, and the polar equation of the vertical cardioid

Chain Discounts and Net Cost Price and Net Cost Equivalent

Free Chain Discounts and Net Cost Price and Net Cost Equivalent Calculator - Given a chain discount and an original price, this calculates the total discount and net cost price.


Free Chord Calculator - Solves for any of the 3 items in the Chord of a Circle equation, Chord Length (c), Radius (r), and center to chord midpoint (t).


Free Cube Calculator - Solves for Volume (Capacity), Lateral Area,Surface Area, and the value of a side for a cube.


Free Decagon Calculator - Solves for the side, perimeter, and area of a decagon.


Free Ellipses Calculator - Given an ellipse equation, this calculates the x and y intercept, the foci points, and the length of the major and minor axes as well as the eccentricity.

Equilateral Triangle

Free Equilateral Triangle Calculator - Given a side (a), this calculates the following items of the equilateral triangle:
* Perimeter (P)
* Semi-Perimeter (s)
* Area (A)
* altitudes (ha,hb,hc)
* medians (ma,mb,mc)
* angle bisectors (ta,tb,tc)
* Circumscribed Circle Radius (R)
* Inscribed Circle Radius (r)

Euclidean Geometry

Free Euclidean Geometry Calculator - Shows you the area, arc length, polar equation of the horizontal cardioid, and the polar equation of the vertical cardioid

Group Combinations

Free Group Combinations Calculator - Given an original group of certain types of member, this determines how many groups/teams can be formed using a certain condition.


Free Heptagon Calculator - Solves for side length, perimeter, and area of a heptagon.


Free Hexagon Calculator - This calculator solves for side length (s), Area (A), and Perimeter (P) of a hexagon given one of the 3 entries.

Isosceles TriangleFree Isosceles Triangle Calculator - Given a long side (a) and a short side (b), this determines the following items of the isosceles triangle:
* Area (A)
* Semi-Perimeter (s)
* Altitude a (ha)
* Altitude b (hb)
* Altitude c (hc)Kites

Free Kites Calculator - This calculates perimeter and/or area of a kite given certain inputs such as short and long side, short and long diagonal, or angle between short and long side

Linear Conversions

Free Linear Conversions Calculator - Converts to and from the following linear measurements for a given quantity:

Moment of Inertia

Free Moment of Inertia Calculator - Calculates any of the 3 items from the Moment of Inertia equation, Inertia (I), Mass (M), and Length (L).


Free Nonagon Calculator - Calculates the side, perimeter, and area of a nonagon


Free Octagon Calculator - Calculate side, area, and perimeter of an octagon based on inputs

Password Generator

Free Password Generator Calculator - This generates an alphanumeric password between a minimum and maximum character length that you specify.


Free Pentagons Calculator - Given a side length and an apothem, this calculates the perimeter and area of the pentagon.

Pixels Per Inch PPI

Free Pixels Per Inch PPI Calculator - This calculator determines the PPI from width, height, and diagonal in inches

Polygon Side

Free Polygon Side Calculator - Determines the sides of a polygon given an interior angle sum.


Free Polygons Calculator - Using various input scenarios of a polygon such as side length, number of sides, apothem, and radius, this calculator determines Perimeter or a polygon and Area of the polygon. This also determines interior angles of a polygon and diagonals of a polygon as well as the total number of 1 vertex diagonals.

Pythagorean Theorem

Free Pythagorean Theorem Calculator - Figures out based on user entry the missing side or missing hypotenuse of a right triangle. In addition, the calculator shows the proof of the Pythagorean Theorem and then determines by numerical evaluation if the 2 sides and hypotenuse you entered are a right triangle using the Pythagorean Theorem

Rectangle Word Problem

Free Rectangle Word Problem Calculator - Solves word problems based on area or perimeter and variable side lengths

Rectangles and Parallelograms

Free Rectangles and Parallelograms Calculator - Solve for Area, Perimeter, length, and width of a rectangle or parallelogram and also calculates the diagonal length as well as the circumradius and inradius.


Free Rhombus Calculator - Given inputs of a rhombus, this calculates the following:
Perimeter of a Rhombus
Area of a Rhombus
Side of a Rhombus

Run Length Encoding

Free Run Length Encoding Calculator - Given a string, this will determine the run length encoding using repeating patterns of characters.

Special Triangles: Isosceles and 30-60-90

Free Special Triangles: Isosceles and 30-60-90 Calculator - Given an Isosceles triangle (45-45-90) or 30-60-90 right triangle, the calculator will solve the 2 remaining sides of the triangle given one side entered.


Free Squares Calculator - Solve for Area of a square, Perimeter of a square, side of a square, diagonal of a square.


Free Strain Calculator - Solves for any of the 3 items in the strain equation: Change in Length, Strain, and Original Length

Triangle Inequality

Free Triangle Inequality Calculator - This calculator displays 2 scenarios
1) Enter 3 sides of a triangle, and it will determine if the side lengths satisfy the properties of the triangle inequality and form a triangle
2) Enter 2 sides of a triangle, and this will determine an acceptable range for the length of the 3rd side of a triangle so that the 3rd side respects the Triangle Inequality.

Triangle Solver and Classify TrianglesFree Triangle Solver and Classify Triangles Calculator - Solves a triangle including area using the following solving methods
Side-Angle-Side (SAS) Side Angle Side
Angle-Side-Angle (ASA) Angle Side Angle
Side-Side-Angle (SSA) Side Angle Side
Side-Side-Side (SSS) Side Side Side
Area (A) is solved using Herons Formula
Law of Sines
Law of Cosines

Also classifies triangles based on sides and angles entered.

True False Equations

Free True False Equations Calculator - Determines if a set of addition and subtraction of numbers on each side of an equation are equivalent. Also known as true or false equations


Free Vectors Calculator - Given 2 vectors A and B, this calculates:
* Length (magnitude) of A = ||A||
* Length (magnitude) of B = ||B||
* Sum of A and B = A + B (addition)
* Difference of A and B = A - B (subtraction)
* Dot Product of vectors A and B = A x B
A ÷ B (division)
* Distance between A and B = AB
* Angle between A and B = θ
* Unit Vector U of A.
* Determines the relationship between A and B to see if they are orthogonal (perpendicular), same direction, or parallel (includes parallel planes).
* Cauchy-Schwarz Inequality
* The orthogonal projection of A on to B, projBA and and the vector component of A orthogonal to B → A - projBA
Also calculates the horizontal component and vertical component of a 2-D vector.

